Cured By Flowers
One evening mid-summer, the year after I lost my job, I went out to pick the last of the day’s ripe blueberries. As I was lingering in the garden enjoying the cool dusky air, I noticed the sunflowers. Four of them had grown almost as tall as me and were starting to show signs of blossoming. Their heads were still tight in a bud, but I could tell they were eagerly waiting the day when they could show their petals to the sun.
What is Nature Therapy?
Nature Therapy is like a dream relationship – loving, respectful and equal. It’s not just about spending lots of time together. It’s about what your partner gives you, and what you can give your partner in return. When one half of the partnership begins to change for the worse, you work together to fix it. Otherwise, the unthinkable happens – the end of something really magical.
The climate emergency shows our relationship with nature is broken, but breaking up...
Reclaim Wildness and Remember Your Roots
Mid summer in the North American midwest, the garden is thriving. Every plant is reaching leaves toward the sky, and every root is nestling deep into the soil, drinking up the ample nourishment that comes with regular rain and enough organic compost. The sunflowers that were knee-high a few weeks ago will soon be taller than me. Their flower heads follow the sun as it arcs across the sky, and they end the day gazing toward the westerly hills. There are basketball-sized...
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