What is Matching Rings For Couples?


 What exactly is a promise ring is it? It's not an eternity ring or an engagement ring. Learn more about it and look through our top promise rings.


 A promise ring has gained popularity in recent times. A promise ring that couples exchange to express their commitment and love for one another it isn't an engagement ring. It's more of a signpost to the possibility of an engagement or other type of commitment, like moving into a home together or having kids. Promise rings signal that the relationship is one that is serious.


 In the 13th and 16th centuries, men would give the person they wanted to show their affection a small gold Posy ring with romantic phrases such as "love is the greatest thing that ever happened" or the simplest word "always.'



 The Victorian and Georgian period saw a resurgence of interest in these rings, with more intricate designs as well with vibrant gemstones such as rubies and Emeralds.


 What is what is a Promise Ring? Overview





  Promise ring finger


  Promise ring designs


  Our favourite promise rings



 Promise Ring Meaning



 Promise rings are thought to signify the love and commitment to eternality as do engagement rings. A promise ring is a symbol of love to the loved one you love. The promise ring also serves as an indication of the possibility for love and a life together with a spouse.



 People who are not in the know can tell that the relationship is serious and isn't just an fling or puppy love. Couples who are de facto may not be interested in marriage, but they can exchange promise rings.



 The promise rings also represent the vows a couple has took to legally declare their union. Promise rings are typically employed as a temporary ring if couples aren't in a situation to be engaged because of distance or not yet ready to make the commitment.



 Both rings symbolize the enduring of a relationship, but they're not the same. Engagement rings symbolize the vow to a couple, whereas promise rings represent their desire to marry and become legally committed. This is the reason why an engagement ring is considered to be the next stage in the relationship. The promise ring is often thought of as the beginning of the process.



 What finger should the promise ring fit on?



 There are no limitations regarding where you can wear the rings. The finger that is the ring is a popular option, along with the middle finger on the left hand. Couples may also opt for the fourth or middle finger on the right hand. Some couples put their vow rings as necklaces. The preferences of the wearer are crucial.



 If couples decide to marry or get engaged, they usually move their wedding ring from the left ring finger their hand to the right finger of their ring.



 Different Promise Ring Designs



 Promise rings are available in a range of sizes and shapes, ranging from simple rings with an inscription to diamond rings that are similar to the style of an engagement ring of the past. Today's promise rings are usually more refined style.



 A smaller diamond ring paired with a band that is thin, like the solitaire ring, is very popular with couples looking for an engagement ring. Couples who are awestruck by sparkles typically opt for a ring that has a variety of tiny stones arranged around a larger diamond. The halo-style diamond ring gets its name because it resembles the glowing aura of an angel. A few couples opt for a less expensive option like a cubic zirconia ring. This lets them achieve a stunning style without breaking the bank.



 Rings made of gemstones have also become increasingly popular in recent years. A lot of couples are attracted to opal and aquamarine rings. These are particularly well-known after Meghan Markle wore one Diana's rings during her wedding to Prince Harry. The birthstone of your spouse can be used to make a an unique gemstone ring. Infinity rings are a popular design for wedding rings since they represent eternal love.



 Our Favourite Promise Rings



 Shiels has a range of promise rings that fit your personal style. We offer a variety of promise rings that will fit your personal style.



 Here are some of the Shiels promise rings that we adore.



 This gorgeous ring is adorned with 10 diamonds that sparkle in the channel setting. It's both elegant and subtle. The diamonds are made of 9-carat gold and create the perfect symbol of love that will never end.



 The pear-shaped sterling ring made of sterling silver evokes the style that is popular in modern engagement rings. It's an excellent prelude to an engagement ring. This ring makes a wonderful present that comes with a 1/4 carat worth of diamonds.



 The classic diamond ring is an iconic design featuring a 9-carat band as well as a solitaire claw. The simple design of this diamond ring makes it an ideal combination with any other white gold ring that you already have in your collection.



 Are you interested in learning more about Shiels Promise rings? Stop by one of our stores to view the entire collection of rings. It includes everything from gemstone ring and pearls, to gold and diamond rings. Explore our online catalog using our payment options like Afterpay, Zip or humm.